Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat"

Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat” is probably one of the more interesting stories we have read. While it seemed morbid and hopeless at times, the experience of the men brought to mind several positive life thoughts. I felt Crane used many illustrations to convey an outlook of life and the voyage of the small boat as an analogy to the voyage of life.

I thought the camaraderie of the men was well illustrated and the relationships that can be formed in the face of danger and strife. The rivalry of the men and the boat against the turbulent sea signified the path many of our lives take. It seems at times we are fighting against survival in the world. The crew represented the many people who are placed in our lives to assist with this struggle. I thought it interesting the captain being the injured one and not being able to fulfill his commitment; he had to allow others to take over for him and direct from a more humble position. Sometimes no matter how strong or confident we think we are, we have to let others help us and occasionally take the lead.

The waves represented the struggles in life. It seems no matter how hard we fight one battle, there is always another waiting to hit as soon as peace begins to set in. We ride these battles just as the little boat rode the waves, anticipating the next one. Life seems to be a never ending battle. The crew exhibited the perseverance necessary to survive against life’s struggles.

I felt the people on shore represented those that stand by and watch others struggle, never getting involved to help and assist others. The crew kept asking why they didn’t come to help, did they not see them. I think we are all guilty of this at times. We believe people make their own mistakes and why should we get involved, or we simply just don’t want to take the time or expend the energy to help our neighbors.

Even with the death of one of the crew, the story continues to show us we don’t all make it through unscathed. We will all die; no one lives forever. Our deaths will come at different times and in different ways; some without struggle and some facing great trials. These men knew they had to face it though; they had no other choice. I believe the ending was appropriate as those on shore rushed to help and assist; the ending showed the love of mankind for their fellow men that exists in all of us.

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